#65: Seeing each other's humanity


Edwin talks about his search for meaning in his life and how he found it in his commitment to empathy. He is committed to building an empathy movement and talks about the empathy center in santa barbara, where the process of the empathy circle is taught and lived. He also talks about their use of empathy tents to connect people, for example at demonstrations. For him, true empathy is mutual empathy.

You can find out more about Edwin, the Empathy Center and Circle here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/edwinrutsch/ https://www.theempathycenter.org/ https://www.empathycircle.com/

If you would like to be heard with something yourself, have questions or would like to give me feedback? Then you can reach me at: podcast@empathieschenker.de

Music by Scott Holmes https://scottholmesmusic.com/tracks/storybook/ https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Scott_Holmes/inspiring-background-